Tsinghua University celebrated its 113th anniversary on April 28, hosting alumni from around the world for a weekend of reunions and many festivities.

The celebrations will feature a series of academic forums and seminars where insights and advances from various fields will be shared. Departments will host their own commemorative assemblies. The celebration will also include artistic experiences, photography displays, and arts and historical exhibitions. Alumni and guests will enjoy musical concerts, garden fairs, dance events, and an anniversary carnival, creating a vibrant atmosphere for reconnection and celebration.

One of the events during the weekend was the 113-lap relay race, a unique tradition that celebrates Tsinghua's spirit of endurance and teamwork, aligned with the slogan 'No Sports, No Tsinghua.' Additionally, friendly sports matches among alumni will foster camaraderie and competitive spirit.

The weekend will also see the opening of the 'Ma Yuehan Cup' student track and field matches, a highlight of Tsinghua's sporting calendar. Facilities such as the gymnasiums, laboratories, the School of Life Sciences' Specimen Museum, the Old Library and more will be open to visitors.
Writer: Grace Hii
Photos Courtesy of Huo Yuandong, Su Xiaohan, Shi Fangxi, and Jiang Xinyu
Editor: Li Han