​Tsinghua Department of Automation shines at 2024 ICRA

Tsinghua University excelled at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) which took place in Yokohama, Japan in May.

XL-Team poses for a photo with their award.

A group photo of the THUDA undergraduate team

The XL-Team, led by Associate Professor Li Xiang from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University,won the first place in the Robotic Grasping and Manipulation Challenge (RGMC) In-Hand Manipulation Track. Meanwhile, the undergraduate team THUDA won the third place in the RGMC Picking in Clutter Track.

The PhD student Jia Yongyi, as the first author of the paper entitled Efficient Model Learning and Adaptive Tracking Control of Magnetic Micro-Robots for Non-Contact Manipulation, received the Best Medical Robotics Paper Award Finalist. Additionally, the PhD student Yu Mingrui was recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

ICRA is the flagship conference in the field of robotics, with more than 6,000 participants this year.

Editor: Li Han

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