The 2023 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, China’s top scientific honor, was granted to academician Xue Qikun for his outstanding contribution to scientific and technological innovation.
The award was presented at a meeting combining the national sci-tech conference, the national science and technology award conference, and the general assemblies of the members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering held in Beijing on June 24th.
Tsinghua University won nine awards in the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards, including two first prizes and seven second prizes, ranking first among universities in China in terms of the number of awards received.

Born in 1963, Xue, an internationally renowned experimental physicist, once earned the State Natural Science Award in 2018, China's highest accolade for basic research, for his experimental discovery of the quantum anomalous Hall effect. He is dedicated to research in the fields of scanning tunneling microscopy, molecular beam epitaxy, topological insulator quantum matter, and high-temperature superconductivity.
Xue is a professor of Tsinghua’s Department of Physics, president of the Southern University of Science and Technology, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the first Chinese national to win the Fritz London Memorial Prize and the first Chinese national to win the Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize.
Professor Xue joined Tsinghua from 2005, going on to serve as the dean of the School of Sciences, director of the State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics, director of the Research & Development Affairs Office, and Tsinghua vice president. He was appointed president of the Southern University of Science and Technology in 2020.
Since 2008, Xue has led a team composed of researchers from Tsinghua's Department of Physics and the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, achieving a series of significant advancements in the experimental research of topological insulators and superconductors.
At the award ceremony, nine research achievements of Tsinghua University also won other prestigious national awards.
Of all the awards Tsinghua received, four are the State Natural Science Award, four are the State Technological Invention Award, and one is the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.
The research project “Key Technologies and Equipment of Chemical Mechanical Planarization for Integrated Circuits”, led by Professor Lu Xinchun from the Department of Mechanical Engineering obtained the first prize of the State Technological Invention Award.
The research project “Source Address Validation Architecture (SAVA) for Next-Generation Internet: Key Technologies and Applications,” led by Academician Wu Jianping from the Department of Computer Science and Technology and the Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace obtained the first prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.
The following research projects received second prize of the State Natural Science Award:
• “Synthesis and Properties of Sub-1nm One-Dimensional Nanomaterials” (The Department of Chemistry);
• “Drivers, environmental impacts, and health effects of atmospheric composition change in China” (The Department of Earth System Science);
• “Theory and Method of Cross-media Big Data Graph Representation Learning” (The Department of Computer Science and Technology);
• “Order parameter manipulation and device design in ferroic materials” (The School of Materials Science and Engineering).
The following research projects received second prize of the State Technological Invention Award:
• “Inorganic non-metallic wastewater treatment and resource recovery technologies and their applications” (The School of Environment);
• “Semiconductor Devices, Key Technologies, and Series DC Circuit Breakers for High Voltage and Large Capacity DC Breaking” (The Department of Electrical Engineering);
• “Key Technologies and Applications of Visual Spatial Computing” (The Department of Automation).
Editor: Li Han