The Tsinghua University Report on Sustainable Development Goals comprehensively summarizes the efforts and actions taken by Tsinghua University in implementing the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).The report proposes a “17*5” SDGs Impact Model, which captures Tsinghua University's endeavors from 2016 to 2020 in localizing SDGs in the following five functional aspects: talent training, scientific research, social contribution, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchange and collaboration. Data and vivid cases of key actions, achievements and technical consultation projects completed by Tsinghua University promoting sustainable development in respect of the 17 SDGs were analyzed. The Report was prepared by the Tsinghua Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, commissioned by Tsinghua University.
With the 17 Sustainable Development Goals such as “No Poverty” and “Zero Hunger” as key components, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) was adopted in 2015 at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit. People have a more comprehensive understanding of sustainable development and the key development issues. To cope with global challenges such as poverty, hunger, inequality in education, and climate change, the world increasingly needs diversified partnerships, especially continuous and arduous efforts made by different agencies.
Universities should actively practice the concept of sustainable development. Tsinghua University shoulders an important responsibility not only for itself, for China, but also for global sustainable development. In the face of global challenges concerning the future of the country and the destiny of mankind, Tsinghua University will look ahead and actively promote the construction of sustainable universities, writing the narratives of micro-level SDGs actions by universities.
This report is not only a summary of the actions taken by Tsinghua University in implementing SDGs in recent years, but also an overview of the goal of promoting SDGs in the future. With the "2030 Agenda", Tsinghua University will work hand in hand with other universities, international organizations and other institutions to progress the realization of national and global sustainable development goals.

Please see the attachment for the full text of the report.
Tsinghua University Report on Sustainable Development Goals
Writer: Huang Fei
Editors: Guo Lili, John Olbrich