
How to Prosper in the Mega Change Period of Time

Time: Oct 26. 2021, 19:00-21:00 (Beijing Time)
Venue: Online
Language: English

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. oec. habil. Fredmund Malik
Chairman of Malik Institute for Complexity Management, Governance and Effective Organization Advisor, consultant and educator, scientist and author
Internationally acclaimed management expert
Pioneer of Holistic System-Cybernetic Management

Our society is going through one of the greatest and deepest transformations in known history. All forms of complexity are increasing in the 21st century: the dynamic of relationship networks; the plethora of data, our ability to micro-market via the internet; the sheer range of specializations; the systemic breakdowns in unexpected places. The need for differentiated solutions is greater than ever.

How organizations can master the challenges of exploding complexity and rapidly changing dynamics of interrelated mega-system in today's world?

The Malik Management System® contains everything that is necessary to understand, master and use complexity.

This online master class offers a systemic and innovative learning process for mastering complex challenges, achieving concerted solutions and effective implementation.

Please register via the link:

Source: Tsinghua SEM
Editors: Guo Lili, Sangeet

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