
China’s “Two Sessions”- Economic Implications Amid Geopolitical Flashpoints

China's annual “Two Sessions” parliamentary meeting just ended. How to interpret the new policies? This master class will cover what you need to know to get smarter about doing business in and with China!

Global Executive Program in China (GEPC) is designed to provide senior executives and business leaders with a comprehensive view of leading and managing business effectively in the fast-changing context of China, in a manner that is compatible with Chinese business practices, regulatory frameworks and consumer expectations.

Mr. XU Sitao

Chief Economist/Partner of Deloitte China

Previously heading the Economist Group in China and have held lead economist of Asia in several global banks

Guest Professor at Tsinghua SEM

Time: 3-6 pm, March 19 (Beijing Time)

Please scan the QR code to register: 

Source: Tsinghua SEM

Editor: Guo Lili 

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