
KPZ Limit for Interacting Particle Systems

Time: 9:50-11:25, Beijing Time
Date: Every Tue. & Thur. 2020-11-17 ~ 12-17
Zoom Meeting ID: 849 963 1368
Password: YMSC

KPZ equation recently attracts a lot of attention in probability group. It is a singular stochastic partial differential equation and describes growing interfaces with fluctuation.  This equation is ill-posed in a usual sense and requires a renormalization.

The goal of the course is to derive KPZ equation from microscopic interacting particle systems.  We first quickly review some basic concepts and results in stochastic analysis, such as martingales, Brownian motion, stochastic differential equations, martingale problems.  We also recall some results in particle systems.

About the Speaker
Tadahisa Funaki is a professor from the Department of Mathematics, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University. He won the MSJ Analysis Prize in 2002 and 2007 respectively.

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