Apart from GSS2022, a few schools and departments inside Tsinghua University also launched their summer schools or summer programs this year. Please see below for detailed information.
1. Tsinghua Vanke School of Public Health Global Summer School 2022
School:Tsinghua Vanke School of Public Health
Theme: Advancing Global Health in a Changing World
Themed with “Advancing Global Health in a Changing World”, the VSPH-GSS 2022 will explore innovative solutions to the challenges in our society, environment and health, in order to build a more sustainable world.
Date:9 July, 2022 (Saturday) – 12 July, 2022 (Tuesday)
Teaching Language: English
Fees: Free to all admitted participants
Total Admits: around 50 students
Requirements: Bachelor degree or above; Strong interests in public health; Excellent English Skills
How to apply:http://wenjuan.tsinghua.edu.cn/s/VNNnuu/
Application Deadline: 10 June, 2022
2. 2022 Tsinghua Summer School of International Construction
School:Department of Construction Management
Theme:Frontiers in international construction
Tsinghua Summer School for International Construction is one of Tsinghua Global Summer School programs, which has been a great success since 2007. Well-known experts and scholars in the field of construction engineering and management are invited to address lectures (in English) and share their insights. The program aims to provide an opportunity for industry practitioners, undergraduates, and postgraduates worldwide in the area of construction, engineering, and architecture to learn from world-leading experts and exchange ideas with each other.
2022 Tsinghua Summer School for International Construction will last for 9 days from July 11 to July 19. The summer program covers topics such as information technology applications, automation and robotics, safety and risk, resilient cities, and others. The summer program aims to expand international horizons of students and expands international influence of construction management disciplines.
Date:11 July, 2022 – 19 July, 2022
Teaching Language: English
Partner Institutions: N/A
Total Admits: 30-60 students
How to apply:http://wenjuan.tsinghua.edu.cn/s/IfEjyy/
Application Deadline: 7 July, 2022
3. WNU-THU WEEK 2022
School:Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET)
Theme:The World Nuclear Industry Today
The short course on “the world nuclear industry today” is a training programme co-hosted by the World Nuclear University (WNU) and the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET) of Tsinghua University (THU).
The course is designed to enhance the knowledge of attendees about the status of nuclear energy and technology in the world today and its likely development. The course also aims to inspire attendees to further their career in this exciting and expanding field. For the participants, the expected outcomes of the short courses are:
● Improved knowledge and understanding about the role of nuclear science and technology in the world today;
● Recognition of how local skills and experience fit into the global nuclear picture;
● Inspiration to develop an expansive vision of where the industry can go in the future;
● Networking with nuclear professionals in their countries and with international experts.
Date:11 July, 2022 – 15 July, 2022 (tentative)
Teaching Language: English and Chinese (with simultaneous interpretation service )
Partner Institutions: World Nuclear University
Total Admits: 100 international participants
How to apply:https://www.wjx.cn/vj/OYo5v5z.aspx
Theme:Inspiring new tech-X generation
For the 2022 edition, it is the fourth edition CI-LAM Summer School. The School will be basically held twice a day and will last for one week starting from the Third week of July 2022. It will be delivered in an online plus onsite mixed mode. Two central classrooms (Beijing and Bergamo) are set which offer face to face teaching environment, while online live broadcast is available to students from other countries. The fourth edition will involve primarily students from University of Bergamo, University of Naples, Tsinghua University but will also open to students from other universities. It is aimed at Master and PhD students. The attendance will be limited to a maximum number of 100 students.
Date:15 July, 2022 – 22 July, 2022
Teaching Language: English
Partner Institutions : University of Naples,University of Bergamo
Total Admits: 100 students
How to apply:https://www.wjx.top/vj/OvCWAfW.aspx
5. Tsinghua Amgen Scholars Program
School:School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tsinghua University
Theme:Research program for global undergraduates
Introduction:Tsinghua Amgen Scholars Program is an international program aiming to increase research opportunities for students committed to pursuing careers in sciences. The Amgen Scholars Program at Tsinghua is a faculty-mentored residential summer research program that provides undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct research in a lab environment, engage in cutting-edge research experience, and learn more about biotechnology and drug discovery.
Date:27 June, 2022 – 19 August, 2022
Partner Institutions: The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, National University of Singapore
Total Admits: Around 21 students
How to apply:http://www.sps.tsinghua.edu.cn/amgenscholars.html#
Application Deadline: March, 2022
6. CNeuro2022
School:Institute of Molecular & Clinical Ophthalmology Basel
Theme:Theoretical & Comput. Neurosci Summer School
The aim of the one-week summer school will be to introduce students with a strong quantitative background (in mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering) to the emerging field of theoretical and computational neuroscience. The course will bring together leading scientists in the field, who will deliver lectures, take part in small-group discussions, and share their personal experiences and views on a range of research topics. The distinguishing feature of CNeuro is the emphasis it places on the role of systematic mathematical theory for understanding the brain, in part by stressing the connections between neuroscience, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The summer school will serve as a pedagogical introduction to some of the methods particularly relevant to exploring these connections. In the last few years, we have focused on theoretical approaches to neural coding, neuronal dynamics, neuronal representations and network neuroscience. This year’s event will be organized around a central theme — learning, memory, and decision making in brains and machines — and will examine its various facets, from neurobiology to circuit neuroscience to cognition to artificial intelligence. We will make every effort to recruit students from diverse backgrounds including all genders and ethnic groups.
Date:14 August, 2022 – 21 August, 2022
Partner Institutions: Institute of Molecular & Clinical Ophthalmology Basel
Total Admits: 50-70 students
How to apply:https://www.cneuro.net
Application Deadline: 21 May, 2022