During this extraordinary year,from July 20th to 28th, Tsinghua University will host a special online Global Summer School (GSS) 2020, entitled Toward a Post-Pandemic World.
Bringing together Tsinghua’s top-quality educational resources and well-known Chinese and overseas professors, GSS will delve into our post-pandemic world by way of lectures, webinars, and interactive tours and performances. Topics include economics, politics, society, education, climate change, and leadership. Tsinghua GSS welcomes students from different backgrounds to come together to understand the opportunities and challenges for our post-pandemic world and to explore solutions for a sustainable future.
Let’s check out the GSS agenda for Day 3!
Day 3: The Economy Post-pandemic
Day 3 (July 22) is hosted by the renowned Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (SEM) and features numerous experts in their fields to help guide you to explore the economy post-pandemic.
Amongst all the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, one certainty is the significant impact on global economic order. The Sino-US trade dispute, the re-configuration of the global industrial supply chain, and potential global decoupling all present significant challenges going forward. For a sustainable future we must focus on how to promote financial stability and sustainable trade and production networks.
To begin Day 3, we dive into the core workings of the economy with a keynote speech by the Dean of the School of Economics and Management Professor BAI Chong-En, discussing Opportunities and Challenges of the Industrial Chain. Professor BAI is Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor and is also the Director of the National Institute for Fiscal Studies of Tsinghua University. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Economics from Harvard University. His research areas include Institutional Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Public Economics, Finance, Corporate Governance and Chinese Economy.

Professor BAI Chong-En
To understand the global economy, it is imperative to understand the development and trajectory of the Chinese economy. To discuss The Chinese Economy: Prosperity and Prospects, we invite Professor LI Jinliang, Professor at the Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Dean of International Affairs and Dean of Tsinghua GSS 2020. Professor LI received a Ph.D. in Finance and the Doctoral Prize for best doctoral research of the year from Syracuse University, New York. Professor LI teaches finance and risk management courses to a number of Tsinghua programs.

Professor LI Jinliang
Global relations lie at the heart of a sustainable global economy and globalized world, with US-China relations a key focal point. To shed light on the state of global trade of today we invite Associate Professor MA Hong to present Return to Protectionism: the US-China Trade Conflicts before and after the Pandemic. At Tsinghua, Associate Professor MA teaches International Economics, game theory, and Chinese economy for graduate and undergraduate students. Associate Professor MA serves as a Consultant for the Ministry of Commerce.

Associate Professor MA Hong
As the global economy shifts, we are also experiencing a digital shift. To discuss crisis recovery and the speeding up of digital transformation under the pandemic, we invite Mr. WAN Bing,Vice President at Siemens Limited China and Head of the China Office at Siemens Management Consulting (SMC) to share his views. Mr. WAN has 20 years of professional experience in various management positions and has worked in Europe, North America and Asia. He holds an MBA from the University of Cambridge. He is an awardee of the German Chancellor Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and an alumnus of Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting.

Mr. WAN Bing
After each lecture, there will be a Q&A session for you to ask questions and discuss with the speakers.
Day 3 concludes with a special webinar guest interview themed New Infrastructure and New Economy, hosted by Professor HE Ping. The webinar focuses on how the development of new infrastructure, such as 5G, big data, AI and the industrial internet will further catalyze the innovation of online business models. Professor HE is a Professor in the Finance Department at the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, and is the Director of the China Center for Financial Research (CCFR). Professor HE’s main research areas include banks and financial institutions, monetary policy, macro finance, block-chain finance, and related fields.

Professor HE Ping
Stay posted as we show you more of what’s to come for GSS 2020!
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or e-mail: experiencing-china@tsinghua.edu.cn.
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