During this extraordinary year,from July 20th to 28th, Tsinghua University will host a special on line Global Summer School (GSS) 2020, entitled Toward a Post-Pandemic World. Bringing together Tsinghua’s top-quality educational resources and well-known Chinese and overseas professors through lectures, webinars, and interactive tours and performances, GSS will delve into our post-pandemic world from a variety of topics, including economics, politics, society, education, climate change and leadership. Tsinghua GSS welcomes students from all backgrounds to come together to understand the opportunities and challenges for our world post-pandemic and to explore solutions for a sustainable future.
So let’s have a peek at what will be on the GSS agenda for Day 1!
Day 1:Innovative thinking post-pandemic
Tsinghua host and academic support for Day 1:Schwarzman College,Global Innovation Exchange (GIX)andthe China-Italy Design Innovation Hub.
To begin, we will exploreinnovation from the perspective of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy and crisis management with a special lecture by distinguished Professor XUE Lan. Professor XUE is the Dean of Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University and a Cheung Kong Chair Distinguished Professor. His teaching and research interests include STI policy, crisis management, and global governance. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings Institution. He is a member of the National Committee for Strategic Consultation and Comprehensive Review, a member of the United Nations University Council, and a Co-Chair of the Leadership Council of the UN Sustainable Development Solution Network (UNSDSN).

We will then take you into the world of cutting-edge technology, with a keynote speech by renowned Professor Harry Shum (SHEN Xiangyang) focusing oncurrent trends in machine learning and artificial intelligence. As a computer scientist, Professor SHEN is well-known for his research on computer vision and computer graphics, particularly the development of the search engine Bing. Professor SHEN is an International Member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA), International Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, and Former Executive Vice President at Microsoft Artificial Intelligence and Research Group.

After these lectures you may be thinking about how you can develop real practical skills in innovation. You can ask this question and more during our discussion led by Professor Pei-Luen Patrick Rau on Developing Leaders in Innovation, where you will learn about a new model of experiential education and how to develop leaders in innovation. Professor Rau is the Vice Dean of the Tsinghua Global Innovation Exchange (GIX) Institute, and also a professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tsinghua University and a Distinguished Young Scholar of National Science Foundation China.

But that’s not all for Day 1, we also will hold a webinar, themed Youth's responsibility and innovation in epidemic situation, organized by the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub.

Stay posted as we will show you more of what’s to come for GSS 2020!
Click here to join us: http://goglobal.tsinghua.edu.cn/
or e-mail:experiencing-china@tsinghua.edu.cn.
Scan the following QR codes to learn more about:
Schwarzman College:

Global Innovation Exchange (GIX) :

China-Italy Design Innovation Hub: