During this extraordinary year,from July 20th to 28th, Tsinghua University will host a specialonline Global Summer School (GSS) 2020, entitled Toward a Post-Pandemic World. With various forms of learning, such as lectures, webinars, and interactive tours and performances, delivered and organized by Tsinghua’s top-quality educational resources and distinguished Chinese and overseas experts, GSS will help students rethink our post-pandemic world from the perspectives of economics, politics, society, education, climate change, and leadership. We are waiting for students from different backgrounds to discover and discuss the possible post-pandemic world and feasible solutions for a sustainable future.
Let’s check out the GSS agenda for Day 9!
Day 9: New trend of globalization and global governance cooperation
Academic Support for Day 9 (July 28): School of Public Policy and Management.
To begin, we will learn about public administration in the post-pandemic world with a keynote speech: New trend of globalization and global governancecooperation delivered by distinguished Professor JIANG Xiaojuan. Professor JIANG is currently Dean of the School of Public Policy and Management and President of the Chinese Public Administration Society (CPAS). She is also a Professor at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Since March 2018, she has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Vice Chairperson of the Committee of Social Construction of the National People’s Congress.

Professor JIANG Xiaojuan
Then, we will be looking into emergency management with a lecture Reconsidering the role of emergency management in public administration by Associate Professor LV Xiaoli who is also Huayu Associate Professor at Tsinghua University's School of Public Policy and Management, Associate Director at Tsinghua's Center for Crisis Management Research, and Executive Director of the Behavior and Data Science Lab. Associate Professor LV’s current research interests include sensemaking of bureaucrats at both strategic and operational levels, video methods in organizational analysis, and field experiments in governmental settings.

Associate Professor LV Xiaoli
Furthermore, we are also delighted to have a lecture entitled China’s Fight Against COVID-19 from a Comparative Perspective by Associate Professor and Huayu Associate Professor MEI Ciqi from the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University. MEI will share his views on the evaluation, explanation and implication of the role China’s policy has played in COVID-19. MEI specializes in China's central-local relations, bureaucratic politics and policy process. He is currently Associate Managing Editor for China Public Administration Review (in Chinese) and Director for the Center of Writing and Communication of Tsinghua University.

Associate Professor MEI Ciqi
In addition, through watching the video introduction provided by Dean JIANG Xiaojuan and Associate Dean ZHU Xufeng, we will get a better understanding of the School of Public Policy and Management, including its history and development, its major achievements in academic programs, scientific research, international exchange and collaboration. We will also get a clearer picture of the school’s international programs and make our future study plan based on our interests and career pursuit.
On Day 9, the final day of our summer school, in addition to academic activities, we have arranged a visual tour of Tsinghua campus and special cultural activities. Together we will visit the Tsinghua History Museum and Campus, Art Museum, and Graduating Students Works Exhibition. Meanwhile, you can also learn Chinese, Paper-Cutting and enjoy Virtual Performance -- the Chinese Flute Robot Band! Don't miss that!
Day 9 concludes with the closing ceremony of our Global Summer School. At the closure,Vice President and Provost Professor YANG Bin will make an address and student representatives will share their experiences in our GSS 2020.
So now that you have an overview of what’s in store for all nine days of GSS 2020, what are you waiting for? Come and join us! Don’t miss out on this splendid 9-day journey!
The summer school will start on July 20th. Stay posted as we show you more of what’s happening in GSS 2020!
Click here to join us: http://goglobal.tsinghua.edu.cn/
or e-mail: experiencing-china@tsinghua.edu.cn.
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