1. 课程主题及简介 Theme and Introduction
Two Slopes, Two Approaches to Sustainability: designs of the National Ski Jumping Centre and Shougang Big Air for the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
The design of the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 venues emphasize post-game use and sustainability. The Beijing zone which is the metropolitan zone that features ice-sport, is primarily focused on the reuse of existing structures and the integration of the new venues with the city’s long-term renovation and urban renewal projects. The Zhangjiakou zone which is the mountain zone, is mainly focused on the creation and integration of the outdoor environment.
2. 特约教授/学者简介 Special Invited Professor/Scholar

Zhang Li is currently the Architect-in-Chief of the Zhangjiakou Zone and Shougang Big Air for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. He is also the curator of China Pavilion in Venice Architecture Biennale 2020. Zhang Li's academic domain is Urban Ergonomics, focusing on human body and space, and the design of active urban spaces. Zhang Li has been a visiting professor in Politecnico di Torino (2017), Syracuse University (2012), and NUS (2010). He has been invited to lecture in GSD, HKU, Berlage, and many other institutions.
3. 学术支持单位介绍 Academic Support Department
Tsinghua University’s School of Architecture was transformed in 1988 from the former Department of Architecture which was established by Prof. LIANG Sicheng in October 1946. Currently, it is composed of four departments, nine research institutes, three professional practical sites, and three ministerial laboratories. In addition, the Institute of Architectural & Urban Studies, the Center for Human Settlements, and the Research Center of Building Energy-Saving affiliated to Tsinghua University are also located in the School of Architecture.

The 2021 Tsinghua Global Summer School will be held from June 28 to July 6, themed Innovation for Sustainable Development. There will be more than 1,000 outstanding young students from all over the world participating in the courses online.