一、承办院系School/Department host:
Academy of Arts & Design 美术学院

Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Vertumnus (Emperor Rudolph II), 1591
We are what we eat.
What you choose to put on your plate can shape your identity and have a significant impact on our planet’s environment. We have lost a third of the world’s biodiversity to monocultural farming. Meat farming is the leading cause of land degradation, soil erosion and animal extinctions.
This hack will look into how industrial farming erodes the planet’s carbon sinks; how antibiotics and agrichemicals are killing pollinators and larger species; how livestock farming is taking up more land, using and contaminating more water, and ask tough questions about the food we eat and how we farm it.
Our planet has plenty of food if the land used for farming domestic animals is rehabilitated back to healthy natural ecosystems or used for growing local plant-based foods. If, as experts recommend, we eat less meat, the supply chain will be different. In this case consumers can drive change much more immediately than through other environmental protection efforts.
Art can’t save the world, but art can change the world by changing people. As individuals, we all have a role to play. Compared to climate emissions or the issue of plastics use, there is a very direct link between food supply and what individuals do. Join us, together we will try to figure out how art and design thinking and ingenuity will find greener ways for our eating habits.
We are what we eat.
四、该领域比较关注的问题Our key topics of interest:
Sustainable Consumption and Production, Urban Farming, Ecological Art, Food Design, Food Critique, Gastronomy, Biodiversity, Animal Welfare
五、主讲老师Hack Leader

Eric Fan Feng has a Ph.D. in art history, and is Associate Professor of art and deputy chair of Department of painting in Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University in Beijing. Dr. Feng was trained as a visual artist, who has exhibited work across China, and in the U.S. and Japan. Dr. Feng’s work is in several public collections and he has produced a number of public art commissions around China. In 2015, he was awarded the “East Asia Fellowship” by ARIAH (The Association of Research Institutes in Art History). He was a visiting fellow at Archive of American Art, Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. and Visiting scholar at American Academy at Rome in 2017. In 2020, he taught 2 online courses at University at Buffalo, SUNY, one art history, one studio painting.
主要从事生态艺术的创作及西方现当代艺术史的研究。作为实践艺术家和艺术史学者的双重身份使其兼顾视觉分析与文本讨论,具有工作室实践与理论研究并举的双重特性。曾任美国史密森尼学会美国美术档案馆访问研究员(2017);罗马美国学院访问学者(2017);2016年被美国艺术史研究机构协会 (ARIAH Association of Research Institutes of Art History))授予“东亚学者”(Eastern Asian Fellowship)奖;著有《神祇与天真:赛·汤布利的古典世界》(江苏凤凰美术出版社,2020)。
Tu Shan, is an architect, senior engineer and Associate Professor of Environmental Art Design Department at the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. He studies the relationship between the trend of technology and design, and pays attention to the development and integration of technology and design, as well as the application in different cultural and environmental backgrounds, such as the renovation and protective development of the old city and the water environment. With this focus, he organized a series of international intercollegiate studios. In 2019, he initiated and organized the "Future Design of Food" forum and workshop, and delivered a keynote speech.


Emily Young.
Prior to taking on her current role as Dining Editor, Emily was an Assistant Food Editor at the Beijinger. She is a Dianping diamond user and has interest in both traditional, local cooking as well as boundary-pushing fine dining.
Didiery Young, Sommelier, is a Hong Kong Cornerstone restaurant manager, former Michelin restaurant ARCANE manager, and Beijing Rosewood Hotel beverage manager. He graduated from the University of Sydney with a major in architecture.

As the first higher education institution of arts and design in China, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University has been in a prominent position since its establishment. The Academy is devoted to cultivating talents, promoting research and innovation, and expanding international cooperation. The Academy has been actively collaborating with the world’s top-class arts & design institutions and multinational companies in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural teaching and research.