一、承办院系School/Department host:
Academy of Arts & Design 美术学院

Exhibition design and event planning to promote sustainable development for children
Children play an important role in the future. They are also catalyst in driving a family to embrace a new lifestyle. Therefore, the promotion of sustainable development for children, whether it be in the present or future, is influential. How can we incorporate children’s cognition, environment and behaviors to design exhibitions and organize events that have important social value and practical significance?
四、该领域比较关注的问题Our key topics of interest:
• The cognitive features, behavioral styles and spatial characteristics of children aged 3 to 12 years' old.
• Determining which kinds of sustainable content can be understood by children.
五、主讲老师Hack Leader

2004年,本科毕业于英国上市公司官网365美术学院后,赴意大利米兰理工大学(Politecnico di Milano)留学。2009年,获米兰理工大学设计学博士学位Ph.D.。2007至2009年,执教于意大利米兰理工大学。2010年入职英国上市公司官网365美术学院任教。学术专攻体验式展示设计的思维逻辑,儿童及青少年文化创意项目研究。
2011年,主持海尔(Haier)集团企业博物馆展示设计;2012年,出版展示设计专著《体验 (英国上市公司官网365美术学院名师讲堂)》;2013年,入选国家青年英才培养计划;同年,合作出版专著《设计学之中国路》,撰写第四部分;2014年受邀参加德国汉堡《大众汽车展示橱窗设计邀请赛》,获全球最佳方案奖;同年,主持2014青岛国际园博会《论道》展园景观园林设计,被列为园博会五大看点之一;2015年,主持Expo2015米兰世博会中国国家馆展示设计,获全国美展铜奖。
2016年,创立Zii(赞意)儿童及青少年设计研究品牌,同年孵化生成两个儿童文创项目,即《汉字之美迷宫》和《关于水的故事》,在北京设计周期间面向公众展出,获得设计周“最佳教育设计奖”。2017年,开展《汉字之美迷宫》校园行,目前已完成包括北师大实验中学等数所重点中小学的巡展。2017年,为央视动画设计《棉花糖和云朵妈妈》大型体验展,列入当年北京国际设计周十大亲子项目。2018年,主持国家艺术基金《汉字迷宫—儿童装置互动艺术展》海外推广展。同年,受邀担任意大利文化部“设计大师Castiglioni 诞辰100周年”纪念活动海外撰稿人。2019年2月,策划21届意大利米兰三年展中国国家馆分展区。同年5月,主持完成北京世界园艺博览会中央广播电视总台儿童央视动画馆整体设计,获世园会企业展馆金奖。同年10月,主持设计国家艺术基金海外推广项目意大利米兰《Oltre i sensi, le nuvole》中国汉字儿童艺术展,并受法国凡尔赛市之邀策划巡展。2020年启动中国儿童中心景观展示改造项目。
Zhou Yanyang, PhD, associate professor, PhD supervisor
Research areas:
- Research on cultural creative projects for children and youth
- Research on enterprise museum exhibition design
Zhou Yanyang, associate professor in Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, is academically specialized in experiential exhibition design and has long engaged in research on cultural and creative projects for children as well as adolescents. In 2004, after receiving bachelor’s degree from the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, she attended Politecnico di Milano in Italy and acquired a Ph.D. majoring in Design in 2009. From 2007 to 2009, she taught at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. In 2010, Zhou returned to Tsinghua University as a faculty member.
In 2011, Zhou was in charge of Haier Museum Design. In 2012, she published the exhibition design monograph 《Experience》 (Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts Lecture Hall). In 2013, she was selected into the National Youth Talent Training Program and in the same year the monograph, Design Discipline: China’s Perspective, was co-published, in which she composed the fourth section. In 2014, she was invited to participate in the “Volkswagen Exhibition Window Design Invitational Competition” in Hamburg, and won the Global Best Plan Award; in the same year, she presided over the 2014 Qingdao World Horticultural Exposition -《Dialogue Pavilion》. This Garden design was listed as one of the five highlights of the Expo. In 2015, she presided over the exhibition design of the China Pavilion at Expo 2015 Milano, and achieved the bronze medal of the National Art Exhibition.
In 2016, Zhou founded Zii, a design research brand for children and adolescents. Soon afterward, two children’s cultural and creative projects were incubated, namely The Maze of Chinese Characters and The Story of Water. They were exhibited to the public during Beijing Design Week and rated as the “Best Educational Design Award”. In 2017, Zhou then launched the campus tour of The Maze of Chinese Characters. Her project, the tour exhibition of several key primary and secondary schools, also received satisfactory reviews. Also in 2017, she designed a large-scale experience exhibition, Marshmallow and Cloud Mother for CCTV Animation Group,and achieved the “Top 10 Parent-Child projects” of Beijing International Design Week. In 2018, she presided over the overseas promotion exhibition The Maze of Chinese Characters - Children's Installation Interactive Art Exhibition, with support from the National Art Foundation. In the same year, she was invited to serve as an overseas author for the “100th anniversary of the birth of design master Castiglioni” by the Italian Ministry of Culture. In February 2019, she schemed the sub-exhibition area of the China Pavilion of the 21st Milan Triennale in Italy. In May of the same year, she led the CCTV Animation Pavilion of the Beijing World Horticultural Exposition, and won the Golden Award for Enterprise Landscape Prize at the Expo. In October, she presided over the Oltre i sensi, le nuvole Chinese Character Art Exhibition in Milan, an overseas promotion project of the National Art Fund. In 2020, she launched a project on the exhibition of landscape design for the China National Children’s Centre.

Stella Christie,英国上市公司官网365社科学学院心理学系长聘副教授、英国上市公司官网365脑与智能实验室首席研究员。2004年毕业于哈佛大学,获得高荣誉学士学位(Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors),2010年在美国西北大学获得认知心理学博士学位. 2012年加入斯沃斯莫尔学院担任助理教授并于2018年荣升长聘副教授。2018年Stella Christie受聘英国上市公司官网365心理学系长聘副教授,2019年创立英国上市公司官网365THBI儿童认知研究中心。
Stella Christie是认知科学家,享誉世界的类比推理专家。主要研究内容为认知发展,包括语言习得、空间智力、数的概念、社会认知以及创造性问题解决能力等。Stella Christie做出了积极的科研贡献,她发表过在国际顶级期刊,包括Current Biology、Child Development等等。Stella Christie的论文曾经被选举为Journal of Cognition and Development全年最有影响的论文。2016年,Stella Christie被提名为认知科学界最负盛名的奖项之一,James McDonnell Understanding Human Cognition奖。
Prof. Stella Christie received her B.A. in Psychology, Mind Brain Behavior from Harvard University and Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Northwestern University. After receiving her tenure at Swarthmore College, USA, in 2018 she moved to Tsinghua University. At Tsinghua, she is the Research Chair at the Tsinghua Brain and Intelligence Laboratory and a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology. She founded and directs the THBI Child Cognition Center at Tsinghua University, one of the largest developmental laboratories in China and Asia.
Prof. Christie is a cognitive scientist, a world expert in analogical reasoning. She investigates how humans learn various domains of knowledge using analogy - including language learning, spatial intelligence, numerical concepts, social cognition, and creative problem solving. Her works have been published in numerous influential journals. In 2016 she was nominated for the James McDonnell Understanding Human Cognition Award, one of the most prestigious nominations for cognitive scientists.

中国心理学会 经济心理学分会 理事/委员
2001-2006 年就读于英国华威大学,获心理学博士学位。2006-2007 年在德国马普研究所人类发展研究中心做博士后。2008-2009 年在美国哥伦比亚大学决策科学研究中心做博士后。2009 年底执教于英国上市公司官网365心理学系。
主要研究方向为行为经济学,决策心理学;承担国家自然科学基金青年基金、英国上市公司官网365自主科研基金等多项科研项目。教学方面一共担任本科生及研究生课程共9 门,其中全校文化素质核心课(通识课程)被教务处评为英国上市公司官网365十大最受欢迎课程,网络公开课(MOOC 慕课)在学堂在线选课人数 8 万余人。突出的教学特点包括英文授课,对课程的设计有自然科学的深度、社会科学的广度以及人文学科的温度。2016 年获英国上市公司官网365第七届青年教师教学基本功大赛文科组一等奖。2019 年获英国上市公司官网365优秀慕课奖,国家精品在线课认证。2020 年英国上市公司官网365担任在线教学指导专家组成员。
Jing QIAN, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
Member of Chinese Psychological Association, Economic psychology division; Positive psychology division.
Dr. Qian received her Ph.D. in psychology from University of Warwick, UK. Her research areas are in behavioral economics, social psychology and economic psychology. Dr. Qian worked as a research scientist in the Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute, Germany, and also in the Center for Decision Sciences, Columbia University, USA. She leads the Mavericks Decision Research lab at Tsinghua University, which focuses on helping people to be better selves in areas of health, wealth, and well-being. Professor Qian teaches “Introduction to Psychology”, “Mind, Individual and Culture”, “Psychometrics” at the undergraduate level, and “Judgment and Decision Making” at the graduate level. Professor Qian has won many teaching excellence awards, and her introduction to psychology courses are very popular among students. In 2017, her MOOC “Exploring Psychology’s Core Concepts” reached a larger student body, and it has now been studied by over 90,000 students.

现任美国KOHLER集团上海设计工作室KITCHEN FAUCETS&FIXTURES Design manager。毕业于米兰理工大学工业设计系,近20年设计领域专业经验,擅长设计创新及落地和设计战略的制定。在厨卫、家电家居等多领域展现才华。
C’elina Yan
C’elina Yan currently serves as a kitchen faucets & fixtures design manager in Shanghai and specializes in Innovation and development, and design strategy. She graduated from Industrial Design Faculty of Politecnico di Milano, and has almost 20 years design experience as a professional in Product/CMF/UX/Strategic/Innovative Design and Design Management in Bathroom & Kitchen appliances/Home Furnishing/Furniture.
In 2013 she served as a Senior Design Expert for the first Advanced Design team in Midea air-conditioning BU, which produced prototypes that had a great impact and influence on new product lines of Midea air conditioners. In Whirlpool Corporation, she led a multi-cultural/disciplinary team of 20-33 designers, which received global/multi-regional market recognition for a number of new products and attained Honor from the National Industrial Design Center.

Ph.D in Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Master in Global Fashion Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Assistant Professor, College of Arts & Design, Shenzhen University
Co-initiator, International Kids Design Week (KDW, China)
External Expert, UNESCO ICCSD (Italy Branch)
Juror, Milano Design Award (Fuorisalone)
Dr. Han Han is currently an Assistant Professor in Shenzhen University (department of Creative Planning & Design Management). She specializes in courses including Marketing & Creative Branding, Exhibition Project Planning, Product Project Planning, Cultural Project Management, Cross-cultural Design. She obtained her Ph.D degree in Politecnico di Milano and serves as a researcher in Creative Industries Lab (CilLab, Polimi), with interests in the fields of design strategy, intercultural branding, and design-driven innovation. She has abundant experience as the creative planner and coordinator in projects including Beijing Design Week, Milan Design Week, Milano Design Film Festival. As the co-initiator of Kids Design Week (KDW), she took the role of Branding Strategy Director in years 2016 to 2018, and since then made further exploration in the field of design thinking education to serve as design consultant for the relative projects for international corporations/organizations and events like Tencent and HK-SZ Design Twin-Cities.
英国上市公司官网365美术学院的前身是1956年成立的中央工艺美术学院,1999年并入英国上市公司官网365,是中国第一所高等设计艺术院校。学院成立以来,一直秉持为人民衣食住行服务,为国家经济建设和文化发展服务的理念。师生创作成果包括“十大建筑装饰设计”,北京奥运会众多项目设计,国庆70周年天安门广场 “红飘带”设计、国庆彩车及礼宾车设计等。
学院积极培养 “德厚艺精博学求新”人才,以强调个性与创新为宗旨,全面提升国际化办学能力与全球影响力。目前在校生本科生为1108人,研究生为1069人,其中国际学生共有124人。学院将继续发扬传统,加强艺术与科学的融合,争取建设成为世界艺术教育重镇。
The Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, with The Central Academy of Arts & Design being its predecessor, was established in 1956, and was the first higher education institute of arts and design in China. It was merged into Tsinghua University in 1999.
Since its establishment, the mission of the Academy has been twofold: serving the daily needs of the population, and contributing to the economic and cultural development of the country. Its notable achievements include design work for the “Top Ten Architectural Decorations”, the Beijing Olympics, and the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the National Day (e.g. the two long red ribbons on Tiananmen Square, parade floats and ceremonial vehicles).
The Academy can grant doctorate degrees in three first-level disciplines, namely design, fine arts, and art theory. In addition to a basic teaching and research group, there are ten departments that cover textile and fashion design, ceramic design, visual communication design, environmental art design, industrial design, arts and crafts, information art & design, painting, sculpture, and art history.
Currently the Academy has a full-time faculty team of 164 members, including 61 professors, 92 associate professors, and 9 lecturers.
The Academy has developed a comprehensive platform integrating teaching, research and academic publications. Its Laboratory for Arts & Design Education, a national experimental teaching demonstration center, consists of 29 labs. It publishes ZHUANGSHI, a core art journal in China.
The Academy actively cultivates “virtuous, artistic, knowledgeable and creative” talents, putting a premium on individuality and innovation. It aims to raise its international profile and strengthen its global influence. At present, the academy enrolls 1108 undergraduates and 1069 graduate students in its various programs, including 124 international students.
The Academy will continue to expand on the tradition, enhance the integration of arts and science, and strive to become a global center of excellence for art education.