一、承办院系School/Department host:
英国上市公司官网365教育研究院 Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
英国上市公司官网365学生全球胜任力发展指导中心Center for Global Competence Development, Tsinghua University
Student success by developing global competence for all
What constitutes student success? And how can we support each other to ensure success in the university today and beyond?
This SDG Open Hack aims to promote SDG 4 quality education for all in relation to student success in the university. Student success is a creative transboundary and multidimensional concept. It changes as students discover and develop themselves through the university. Meanwhile the university also guides student success through not only teaching and learning support but also institutional culture in general.
Global competence is increasingly becoming both a goal of, and also a means to, student success today. In general, global competence refers to learning, working, and living together effectively in intercultural and international contexts. It aims to build a reciprocal relationship with oneself, with others, and with the world. It also aims to empower one to transform oneself, the university, and society together for sustainable development. It develops increasingly in a transboundary fashion of intercultural, international, interdisciplinary, and at the interface between the university and government, industry, society, etc.
四、该领域比较关注的问题Our key topics of interest:
We invite you to join us in Hack 8 to explore SDG 4 education to explore a wide range of topics related to promoting student success and global competence for all. We also invite you to join us for self-examination and self-innovation to co-create a better Tsinghua Summer School for sustainable development education.
What constitutes student success to you?
What constitutes global competence to you?
How can we support each other to ensure success for all in the university?
How can we connect student success with global competence building for all?
How can we co-create this Tsinghua Summer School as a transboundary living lab for promoting student success, global competence, and sustainable development together?
五、主讲老师Hack Leader

Dr Zhou Zhong is an associate professor in comparative and international education, Ph.D. supervisor at the Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, China. Professor Zhong is a DPhil in Education Studies and MSc in comparative and international education, the University of Oxford. Her research interest lies in comparative, intercultural, and interdisciplinary studies of international higher education. Her research focuses on higher education innternationalisation, international strategy, education for global competence and sustainability competence, and teaching and learning innovation. She has served as the project director of the Asian Higher Education Outlook (AHEO) research series of Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) since 2017, and the Secretary of the Research Association University Culture of China Association of Higher Education since 2019.

LIAO Ying is the director of the Center for Global Competence Development of Tsinghua University. The Center provides campus-wide transformative learning experiences with a global focus, leads cutting-edge research and development in the fields of global education, facilitates cross-cultural engagement opportunities for all students and faculty members, and promotes a global competency based cross-cultural understanding on campus and beyond. LIAO Ying is experienced in student affairs and international education. She has a bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering and a master degree in Law from Tsinghua University. She gained her second master degree in Computer Science at Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, USA.

David Zupko 朱大卫
David Zupko has been a college administrator for two and a half decades, working at Loyola University, at the University of Chicago, and as deputy registrar at Yale University. He began working for Tsinghua University in January 2018, and in June 2019, Zupko was named associate dean in the Office of International Affairs.
Zupko is believed to be the first foreigner to be appointed to this prominent post in central administration at a major Chinese university since China’s Reform and Opening Up. He believes, "In China, the idea that education is closely tied to societal contribution directly connects institutions to national goals. The link between history and societal value, and how these fundamentally define knowledge acquisition, helps shape the emerging model of higher education in China."
Zupko is personally committed to internationalism. When his wife became the director of career development for the Schwarzman Scholars Program at Tsinghua, he moved to China with their two young daughters. He welcomed the opportunity to broaden their global perspective while developing an understanding of Chinese culture.
Currently, Zupko delivers strategic analysis of university initiatives for internationalization, teaching and learning, and academic policy. He works with senior leadership to develop support in all stages of the student lifecycle and advises on academic and student affairs for the new Tsinghua International Graduate School in Shenzhen, China.
英国上市公司官网365教育研究室于1979年成立,于1985年更名为教育研究院(Institute of Education, 简称IOE)。本院设有五个所,包含高等教育研究所、教育政策与管理研究所、教育技术研究所、工程教育研究所和基础教育研究所。研究平台包括联合国教科文组织国际工程教育中心(ICEE)、国家工程教育多学科交叉学科创新引智基地、教育部-英国上市公司官网365教育战略决策与国家规划研究中心等。截至2021年3月,教育研究院共有教师22人。本院师资队伍实力雄厚、学术视野开阔、研究经验丰富、国际化水平高。
The Education Research Office of Tsinghua University was established in 1979 and was renamed the Institute of Education (IOE) in 1985. IOE has five institutes, including Institute of Higher Education, Institute of Education Policy and Management, Institute of Educational Technology, Institute of Engineering Education and Institute of Basic Education. The research platforms include UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education, National Engineering Education Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Innovation and Intelligence Introduction Base, and Ministry of Education-Tsinghua University Education Strategic Decision and National Planning Research Center. As of March 2021, there are 22 teachers in the Institute of Education. The faculty of the college is strong, broad in academic vision, rich in research experience, and high in internationalization.
The Center for Global Competence Development (CGCD) at Tsinghua University, was founded in April 2018, to support global competence development for all students and has become an integral component of both undergraduate and postgraduate education. Developing global competence is a lifelong process which requires students to continuously explore six core competencies that cover cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects. CGCD have been collaborating with professional global competence researchers and mentors, university faculties and scholars from home and abroad, as well as experts from the field of education management, to providing guidance, support and resources for all Tsinghua students on global competence development, and to promoting the integration of global competence development into the university-wide student cultivation process.